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About Us

A doctor giving a presentation in a conference held by WMOMS pre pandemicThe Society is a voluntary partnership of dental professionals working together to improve the quality of oral and maxillofacial surgery services in the community. It is the belief of the Society that professional, political, social and economic exchange between states of the Sixth District of the AAOMS will result in a unity of voice which will enhance our effectiveness in our community and at the national level.

Learn more about us:

The Society exists to improve health in membership communities and to promote the art and science of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The Society will:
•  Promote inter- and intra-professional understanding and education.
•  Attract new members and address their needs while continuing to address those of existing members.
•  Promote participation at every level within the Society.
•  Encourage members to discharge their civic and professional responsibilities to the communities they serve.
•  Provide education to the membership.
•  Serve as a focal point for organizational and political issues pertaining to the Sixth District and offer assistance to component state societies and Society members in matters pertaining to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
•  Provide, among its members, opportunities for social and professional community.

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WSOMS, 950 Reserve Drive, Suite 120, Roseville, CA 95678 / (209) 418-3342 / / 2/4/2025 / Related Phrases: Dental Society /